Monday, August 31, 2009

Blackshine - Lifeblood (2006)

Here's a cool album mixing rock and heavy metal, as it is now somewhat a trend in the music industry, with all that Death'n'roll and Black'n'roll...the band is from sweden and they released an album that is actually quite original, the band drew many of its various influences (punk, heavy rock, death, gothic..) into its music and in the end they manged to create something quite enjoyable, i couldnt find a song i really disliked =) the guitar is great and the vox as well, there are many breaks and change of ambiances...well, give it a try you might like it...and I think they deserve it!

Blackshine - Lifeblood (2006)
Genre: Power R'n'R
1. Cure in the Shape of Noise
2. Born a Denier
3. Lifeblood
4. Stonefog
5. Powerghoul
6. Unbroken
7. Burn the World
8. Face the Bastard God
9. Dwell in Black
10. Second Rate Blasphemer
11. Denial of Pain


Crystal Eyes - Vengeance Descending

It's not often that you see me play A PM you know i'm not much into that genre...but I like this band which has, as you'll hear a rather raw production =)'s nothing like underground BM or bad Grind dont worry! ah ah! they sound like old metal then line of Maiden or Helloween maybe...difficult to say as i'm no specialist! lots of good riffs, power and energy...ouch! the old school kicks my @$$ once more! \m/

Crystal Eyes - Vengeance Descending
Genre: Power Metal
01 Vengeance Descending
02 Highland Revenge >mp3
03 Child Of Rock
04 Mr. Failure
05 Dream Chaser
06 The Wizard's Apprentice >mp3
07 Metal Crusade
08 The Beast In Velvet
09 Heart Of The Mountain
10 Oblivion In The Visionary World

Crystal Eyes

Fono - Too Broken to break

Fono has a strange story...first they were promised to a great future as at the very beginning they played the opening for Bon Jovi...rather a good start indeed..but after that some legal issues prevented them to record any album for several years and when then were evetually granted the right to record something again ..well...the studio was burned down to the ground! ^^ some might have just given up thinking they are cursed by the god of music!...well here they are at last...with an album...influenced by bands like Foo fighters and Punk'n'R! hope you enjoy!

Fono - Too Broken to break
Genre: Indie Rock
01. Dangerous
02. Angel's Eyes
03. Still Love?
04. On the Line
05. Car Crash
06. Too Broken to Break
07. Anything At All
08. Sunlight Silence
09. She Said
10. Silhouette
11. January Rose


Bitch Alert - Pay for Orgasm

This is a girls band from Findland. I don't think they are very famous but anyway they are highly entertaining!.. This is their first album and as often the one with the weakest production..though it's not that bad! They play some kind of angry (sometimes sweet) punk rock ...a bit like L7 to a certain extent ..though i'm not much a fan of L7...i much prefer Bitch Alert... Nothing really technical in this album, it more about the energy and in-your-faceness if i may say so! so put your helmet on and have a go, we're on alert!

Bitch Alert - Pay for Orgasm
Genre: Punk / Grunge
04.Kiss Me
07.God Doesn't Like Me
08.Sick Boy
09.In The School
10.Joe Has Been A Bad Boy
13.Kill You Boy

Bitch Alert

Gustavo Di Padua - The Stairs (2008)

This great guitarist comes from Rio de Janeiro and this album has been composed and produced...and whatever...all by himself! Honestly this guy is really really good and i love his style! though he plays mainly hard rock / heavy metal, he goes thru a sh%tload of style...whether it is funk, fusion, jazz,'s easy to see he has loads of influences perspiring through his playing...a brilliant release that i highly recommend! don't miss it! \m/

Gustavo Di Padua - The Stairs (2008)
Genre: Instrumental / HM
1 Insight
2 The Stairs
3 Hopeful
4 The Chalenges
5 That's Al
6 Second Floor
7 Spiritual Lesson
8 Rach
9 2008
10 The Harvest
11 Next Stage


Deadman - Site of Scaffold

I don't know if you remember but i already played that band a while ago, the album was called No Alternative...this one here is the first they released, pretty heavy mixing korn like rhythm with outburst of violence, weird noises and vox, and soft make it short a great release by unhinged musicians...too bad this band split up in 2006 it was a brilliant one! enjoy the power of Visual Kei!

Deadman - Site of Scaffold
Genre: J-Rock
1. Dlof Facs
2. Please God
3. Oboreru Sakana
4. Blood
5. Sakura To Ame
6. Re:make
7. Irobetsu No Naii Kuukyo
8. Site Of Scaffold


The No-Mads - The Age Of Demise (2009)

This is the last album by this Polish band formed in 1999. I dont know why but it's like a constant... Poland produces technical and very heavy metal bands! maybe they have a hidden factory somewhere where they can brew talented and proficient musicians from test tubes! ah ah! whatever, an excellent album of heavy thrash with everything that it entails...chuggy and speedy rhythms, freaking leads and powerful coarse vocals! enjoy! \m/

The No-Mads - The Age Of Demise (2009)
Genre:Thrash Metal
1. Reverend Terrorist
2. Unter der Bar
3. The Age of Demise
4. Children of the Reich
5. Point Blank Fire
6. Nanoman (Voivod cover)
7. Last Lift Down
8. A Moment of Sobriety
9. Vamos!

The No-Mads

Vakarm - World of Chaos

Vakarm (which means vacarme = a racket/smth. extremely noisy)is a French BDM band from Amiens, Picardie (Northern part of France). They are pretty technical and despite the agressivity of their music they still retain a sense of melody...actually I think they have pretty good ideas ...but that's just MHO of course! ^^ they split up 2 years ago so you won't hear of them anymore whatsover...hope you enjoy that album, I think it's a cool one! =)

Vakarm - World of Chaos
Genre:Brutal DM
1. Brainshake
2. Parabellum
3. With Intent
4. Rise of the Curtains
5. Dripping Orgy
6. The Smell of Blow
7. Forbidden Gate
8. World of Chaos
9. Vicious Trouble

Line Up:
Alex "L'Ours" - Vocals
Benoît Agrain - Guitar (Untold, Septical Mind)
Olivier "Olaf" Delplace - Guitar (D.S.K., Septical Mind)
Xavier - Bass (Inytium)
Nicklaus - Drums (Decline of Humanity, Shadow of the Beast, Como Muertos, Carnival in Coal, Maladaptive, Yyrkoon)


Andreas Kisser - Hubris I & II (2009)

I guess there's no need to present the lead guitarist of Sepultura...Here's is first solo album and a rather good one'll feel a certain sense of familiarity with the melodies at some point...well it's Andreas Kisser playing! 2 CD with a brazilian feel and of course a metal/rock one...actually these 2 CDs (electric and acoustic) are pretty ecclectic (ethnic, "ambiant" metal, stoner, heavy metal, bossa-nova, oriental music, classical..and so forth!) thing that struck me are the reviews about this album...overall they are far from welcoming! ^^ I can understand a bit as this album is, just like Kisser and his leads in Sepultura, pretty experimental (lots of whammy bar and sqealing sounds!), which means that you'll need several listenings and an open-mind to get into it... so I leave it up to you to give this one its chance or not... I'm glad I did! \m/

Andreas Kisser - Hubris I & II (2009)
Genre: Rock / HM
Disc 1
01 Protest!
02 Euphoria/Desperation
03 Eu Humano
04 The Forum
05 Virgulândia
06 God's Laugh
07 R.H.E.T.
08 Em Busca Do Ouro
09 Lava Sky
10 A Million Judas Iscariotes

Disc 2
01 Sad Soil
02 Worlds Apart
03 Breast Feeding
04 Page
05 Domenicana
06 Vivaldi
07 0120
08 Armonia
09 Hubris
10 Mythos

Andreas Kisser

Gurkkhas - A Life Of Suffering (2001)

Welcome to Brittany (Bretagne), a region in the northwest part of France, Gurkkhas will take you a ride! don't worry there'sll be plenty of beer! ^^ This band was formed in 1999 and despite their talent they are not that famous! Playing DM is not an easy job we all know that! With all the copycats and talentless bands out one can easily get drowned... but you'll see Gurkkhas is far from being uninteresting ...honestly I think they achieved an almost "perfect" album, the vox are great without being overdone, the drumming is frantic and bang on time, bass and guitars will go through your ears and bones like a hacksaw through butter! one might argue that this album could be improve here and there...maybe...but if all albums were of that quality DM would rule the world! ah ah ! \m/

Gurkkhas - A Life Of Suffering (2001)
Genre: DM/ Brutal DM
1.Born on a Day of War
2.Tears of Blood
3.A Life of Suffering
5.The Day of Battle
7.If I Should Die
8.Chronicles of Chaos

A Life Of Suffering

Sybaritic - Being Human (2009)

This is the first full length released of this band from Atlanta, Georgia. They formed in 2004 and are still unsigned,.. this album was self-released for that matter...I don't know if it's a choice of their own or a consequence of the stupidy of our modern music industry... whatsoever, they re pretty good and I think they deserve some attention from real music freaks! word of mouth is the only way to survive underground! ^^ here we go chuggy rhythms, highly technical and melodical leads, brillinat songwriting ... the songs are consequently never prepared for an uncontrollable surge of serious headbanging! \m/

Sybaritic - Being Human (2009)
Genre: Thrash/Death
01.Cremation Of Care
03.I Am Hate
05.Fields Of The Dead
06.Enslave and Punish
08.Being Human

Dado Zemanic - Vocals/guitar
Adam Gleason - Guitar
David Stich - Bass
Mike Conway - Drums

Being Human

Katsu Ohta - Eternal And External (2009)

As we're in the middle of a japanese musical's the new album of Katsu Ohta, master of (neoclassical) shred! this album is a bit in the style of Vanden Plas..(the god thing) and that's maybe why i like it so much! ^^ very good heavy metal with clear vox, arpegios, crazy leads (of course!), frantic drumming (Eternal And External)! well only good things ... hope you enjoy!

Katsu Ohta - Eternal And External (2009)
Genre: Instrumental
1.Slave Of Desire
2.Never Get Enough
3.Like A Fire
4.Into The Light Of Heaven(instrumental)
5.Live For Today
6.Eternal And External(instrumental)
7.Black Dealer
8.Mortality X
9.Cry Your Heart Out
10.Star-struck Lady
11.The Turn (instrumental)

Vo: Yasuo Sasai (ARK STORM)
Ba: Ken Nishikawa (Ex.WOLF)
Dr : Junichi (GALNERYUS)

Eternal And External

Phazm - Cornerstone of the Macabre

I remember once when I heard that some guys from Dimmu Borgir were creating a new band to play big ballsy R'N'R, I thought it was a really cool idea..but when the album came out, even though it not bad, it was not exactly what i expected! so here we are again with the guys from Yrkoon and Scarve (2 French bands) doing exactly the same! great minds think alike as the saying goes! ah ah! but this time the outcome is actually quite different and much closer to what i expected in the first place! like a super Motorheard! only remember...this band's just for fun! ^^

Album:Cornerstone of the Macabre
1. Love me Rotten (Love me True)
2. The Worm on the Hook
3. Damnation
4. Strange Song
5. Welcome to my Funeral
6. The Old of the Meat
7. Mucho Mojo
8. The End
9. Necrophiliac
10. Damage Inc.
11. Adrift

Love me Rotten (Love me True)

Mithras - Behind the Shadows Lie Madness (2007)

Mithras is a DM band like no other and I must say even though i dont listen to them that much they are one of my all time fav band! first the guitar work is ...well...i dunno...from another planet!lol it's heavy like Morbid Angel but also psychedelic with soundscapes beyond your craftmen of old and forgotten times, these lads are blessed with creativity and imagination...they clearly see beyond but i'm not sure they behold madness...maybe it's rather some kind of unknow beauty! \m/

Album:Behind the Shadows Lie Madness
Genre: DM (from space!)
01. The Journey And The Forsaken
02. To Fall From The Heavens
03. Under The Three Spheres
04. Into Black Holes Of Oblivion
05. When The Light Fades Away
06. Behind The Shadows
07. Awaken Man And Stone
08. The Twisted Tower
09. To Where The Sun Never Leaves
10. The Beacon Beckons
11. Thrown Upon The Waves
12. Into The Unknown


Vader - Necropolis (2009)

Vader...Vader...Vader....Vader...since I listened to that one last piece they released...that's the only word ringing on the dingy walls of my benumbed pea brain!^^ I suppose you've heard of vader's last spawn...but as I didn't see it played 'round here I thought it might be useful to spread that new malevolent testimony of theirs by wield your sword you slug, as none shall survive the hordes of the dark Lord! \m/

Genre:Brutal DM...what else!??
1. Devilizer
2. Rise of the Undead
3. Never Say My Name
4. Blast
5. The Seal
6. Dark Heart
7. Impure
8. Summoning the Futura
9. Anger
10. We Are Horde
11. When the Sun Drowns in Dark
12. Black Metal (Venom Cover w/ Bart Krysiuk from Hermh)
13. Fight Fire with Fire (Metallica cover w/ Maciek Taff from Rootwater, Black River)


Biomechanical - Eight Moons (2002)

here we are in the green pastures of England, with Biomechanical who formed in 2001, 8 years already! they play metal but it is somewhat a progressive form of it...not so easy to define, a bit like Pantera but more complex, intricate and symphonic...I let you decided what to call it! ^^ what i like best is the rapid changes of ambiances,.. pretty catchy ...and though this album is rather short overall you'll need a while to really dig it! so turn it loud and... take it easy! \m/

Band: Biomechanical
Album Eight Moons
Genre: Metal
1. The Awakening
2. Do You Know Me
3. In The Core Of Darkness
4. Distorted
5. Hunted
6. No Shadows
7. Eight Moons
8. Save Me
9. Point Of No Return


Brutaliator - Brutaliator 2003

This band comes from Sweden (they split up a few years ago) and though this album has been produced some 20 years after my previous play, the music is somewhat in the same line! the prod is much better of course! ^^ Slayer and Metallica are once again the main influences! cool riffs and vox, crazy leads and typical thrash drumming! a very enjoyable album ...especially as it only last for half an hour! Thrash Rulez!! \m/

Band: Brutaliator
Album: Brutaliator
Genre: Thrash metal
1. Flesh
2. Metal Commandos
3. Genetic Harvest
4. The Loss
5. Frontier of Fear
6. Terminal Breath
7. Down in the Sewers
8. Brutaliator
9. Vultures


Anacrusis - Suffering Hour 1990

My third attempt at this play as either the proxy or Adrive seem to have good fun at blocking/crashing my browser ...hope it works this time! ^^ this is an old band playing thrash metal in the vein of Slayer and Metalica in their early period. The production might sound a bit old as it been produced a while ago but the riffs are still pretty good and catchy...and also i like the screamed vox! so if you've never come across that band before check it out I think it's worth it! \m/

ps: sorry again A bro for the missing cover....

Band: Anacrusis
Album: Suffering Hour
Genre:Thrash Metal
1 Present Tense
2 Imprisoned
3 R.O.T. (Reign Of Terror)
4 Butcher's Block
5 A World To Gain
6 Frigid Bitch
7 Fighting Evil
8 The Twisted Cross
9 Annihilation Complete / Disemboweled
+ Black sabbath cover

Burst - Lazarus Bird (2008)

here's a band that deserves your attention if it's not been the case yet. This album is really excellent and the songs are brilliant...actually for those kinds of albums I guess the shorter the description the better...the best is still to listen to it! hope you enjoy this awesome piece of work! \m/

Album:Lazarus Bird (2008)
Genre: Metal, Prog, Experimental, Atmospheric....etc ... ah ah ah!
Track List
01. I Hold Vertigo
02. I Exterminate the I
03. We are Dust
04. Momentum
05. Cripple God
06. Nineteenhundred
07. (We Watched) The Silver Rain
08. City Cloaked

Fractal Gates - Altered State Of Consciousness (2009)

This is the first album of that band and .... what a beginning! I listened to a lot of DM in my life and that one will stand on the top shelf straightaway as it is really good! this band covers so much ground with its music that it's definitely a pleasure to listen to the songs...none of which will bore you or bring about a feeling of deja-vu! I dont know if there is something like progressive DM but that could be a crossbreed between septic flesh and dark one word ...brilliant! just grab it!^^

Band:Fractal Gates
Album:Altered State Of Consciousness

01. Visions I (1:20)
02. Altered State of Consciousness (3:41)
03. Gates to Nebula (5:30)
04. Inertia (4:19)
05. Visions II (0:57)
06. Immersion (5:39)
07. The Eclipse (4:10)
08. Visions III (0:40)
09. Skies of Orion (4:44)
10. The Encounter (4:03)
11. Visions IV (1:04)
12. Illusional Dementia (5:43)
13. Departure (5:49)
14. Visions V (0:49)

Stéphane Peudupin - Guitars and composition
Sébastien Pierre - Vocals, keyboards and composition
Arnaud Hoarau - Guitar
Antoine Verdier - Bass
Vivien Dumont - Drums

Fatal - Barbarism 2007

...and the crows eventually flew away as stepping on crushed bones and broken skull strewn upon the ground, the mighty warriors braced themselves awaiting the forthcoming battle! =D That could be the first feeling you have when you listen to the opening track of that album! and it matches exactly the one inside of me as i listen to it and write those lines! ^^
Fatal is a French DM band playing technical chuggy rhythms to which they add melodic leads (even jazzy sometimes). Overall they play a conventional (though complex and intricate)type of DM but they have that little thing which makes their songs different and catchy...hope you like it!

btw I cannot access blogspot but through a proxy...blogspot (as so many other things) is blocked on the mainland....

Genre: DM
year: 2007
1. [Mer: Dei Ktusi L'Mut]
2. Killed In Kaptivity
3. Stain Remover
4. Bodies Thrash
5. KYN
6. Ultimate Suffering State
7. The Black Emperor Victory
8. Tribes Ok Khenda
9. Designed To Be Blind
10. Inkutaneus Pakt
11. Apokalust
12. Zhong-Ma Unit]Forsaken Times