Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Impious - The Killer 2002

Now that's it, the temperature gives no doubt about it, winter has stepped on our threshold and stand poise, watching and waiting for us! so as a welcome back, i opened my window, put the stereo on the sill and let a blaring hymn waft out in the air! if yours is powerful enough, it may even spread through the pane directly without having to open anything at play, and everything will just be blown away!ah ah cause bare in mind Impious are some serious riffers, and still more on their latest album called Hellucinate (2004) or even Holy Murder Masquerade, released in 2007! i believe they are known to most of you as they have been (and still are!) around for quite a while...but just in case you missed these outstanding thrashers, i play them here! =D the album in itself is not outstanding, the very last one is far better in my view, but it's pretty decent and quite reminds me of The Crown / Crown of Thorns at times... a style which i appreciate much and have always been partial to... enjoy or die!

Impious - The Killer 2002
Genre: Thrash Metal....or is it more like Death!?? ah ah....Ballsy vibes for sure!
01 Intro
02 Burn The Cross
03 Dead Eyes Open
04 Caught In Flesh
05 The Deathsquad
06 Sick Sex Six
07 The Hitman
08 Kill For Glory
09 Stabbed 69 Times
10 Needles Of Sin
11 Digital Devil

who wants a good thrashing!??

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