Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Little Airport - 在動物園散步才是正經事

This band comes from Hong Kong if i'm not mistaken, and they play some pop in the line of the 80's, that is the cure and the likes. However it's not 80's pop, it's just the overall spirit of the music. there's no bass or drum! they are only 2, a guy and a girl. the guy plays the guitar and the keyboard while the girl sings. The music is very cool and sweet (the voice of the chick in particular!) and i like it a lot, especially if i'm working or having a rest...actually it carries you in a world a bit like the one of FF (like when in the チョコボ world!lol) or other fantasy video games!
Pretty cool duo IMO, if you've never heard about 'em give 'em a listen they're great ..and i always feel like this album is way too short! =)

My Little Airport - 在動物園散步才是正經事
Genre: Pop
01 Coka, I'm Fine
02 動物園での散歩は大事な事 [在動物園散步才是正經事]
03 Victor, Fly Me To Stafford
04 Edward, Had You Ever Thought That The End Of The World Would Come On 20.9.01?
05 オードリー、風景について [柯德莉,關於風景]
06 My Little Banana
07 Josephine's Shop
08 フェイウォン、あなたの眉について [王菲,關於你的眉]
09 You Don't Wanna Be My Girlfriend, Phoebe
10 Dee, It May All End Tomorrow

Pop's not dead! ah ah!

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