Thursday, July 12, 2007

黑鸭子樊桐舟 - 绝色III

I don't know much about that artist, perhaps she's from China but i'm not sure at all! neither have i an idea about her lyric though i assume she must be singing about love and other related stuff (i saw many characters about that in her titletracks!) for sure she's certainly not singing about Satan's legion taking the world over! ah ah! how girlish i am at times! =/ lol well, i don't know if you'll like that one as it will certainly sound pretty common to you...anyway, i like the "melancholic" ambiances and the traditionnal aspect she keeps in her music, ...and of course her voice which is very nice and sweet IMHO! obviously i would not listen to that all day long but it's pretty cool to wake up to her lulling sound...having slept about 4 hours, today must be a soft day! ....not all songs are great but some are definitely brilliant and worth a shot, there are only 2 or 3 i would discard (see *)! ....quick gimme my warrior stick, i'm crumbling down again! ah ah!

黑鸭子樊桐舟 - 绝色III
Genre: Vocal, Pop (???)
01 末班车
02 如果这都不算爱
03 曾经最美
04 不要再来伤害我
05 别怕我伤心
06 如果爱
07 光(一下子一辈子)
08 守望幸福(原创)
09 美丽心情
10 最远的你是我最近的爱
11 不管有多苦
12 别哭我最爱的人 *
13 时光 *
14 我只能爱你
15 一生爱你千百回

Don't be Afraid, War is Coming!lol

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