Sunday, June 10, 2007

荔枝王 - 硬心 2003

Welcome back on the mainland! if you scour the country you may have already come across that band cause 荔枝王 is rather famous and renowned, ...and if you've not had the opportunity to hear them yet, i recommend checkin' that band out ASAP! ;) well their music is quite basic and not that original( well ...HxC!..), but i like their style! the vocalist is pretty aggressive, the rhythm is heavy and pummelling! like Biohazard meeting R.A.T.M and roping Pro-Pain in!! the song with the guy from L.M.F is pretty cool IMHO...basically, their music is in the line of all the good stuff released at the beginning of the 90's, 荔枝王 shows that the spirit is still alive and kicking on this goddamn planet...and i for sure won't be complaining about that! enjoy! \m/

荔枝王 (King Lychee) - 硬心 (Stand strong) 2003
Genre: Hardcore
01 企硬
02 所见所闻
03 制造距离 (友情客串:何超仪)
04 力竭
05 拒绝 (友情客串:LMF/阿杰)
06 (说话)
07 A Useless Gift
08 (对话)
09 地乐起哄
10 土炮
11 (音乐)
12 抛诸脑后 (友情客串:恭硕良)
13 多谢
14 (对话)
15 基础主义 Our Life’s Blood

Big Boyz Boogie?!

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