Saturday, April 28, 2007

[LPP] 櫻桃幫 - 親愛的王子

So the party began already! here i bring Cherry Boom who is a band i like quite a lot for two reasons! first the music is really cool, and original, they use both groovy rock rhythms and soothing melodies... the vocals are in Chinese (or Taiwanese?) and i think that is also to their advantage, cause the singer has a very beautiful voice and her language let her express it! The second reason is that i discovered that this is an all girl band (but you certainly knew it!lol) ...and fortunately for me i heard their music much before i saw what they looked like.. cause otherwise i guess i wouldn't have been able to fairly judge the album! indeed they are so cute i would have been more than partial! ah ah! enjoy a very cool rock album! TAIWAN POWER kills me again! (([[**]])) any visa for your country?!! ;)

櫻桃幫 - 親愛的王子
Genre: Rock
01 清新早晨
02 親愛的王子
03 秘密花園
04 再見我的愛
05 蝕月
06 I Wanna Rock
07 我的空氣
08 小丑世界
09 不對也要愛
10 黑夜來臨

All chick swinging party!

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