Saturday, February 24, 2007

Witchery - Symphony For The Devil (2001)

If you're a fan of heavy metal and thrash, Witchery should certainly appeal to you! they use pretty simple song structures but their speedy rock'n'roll rhythm and asskicking leads executed in the old way always cheer me up!lol this album even has a certain BM colour, but some kind of r'n'r BM like the last Darkthrone's release to a certain extent (but Witchery hasn't such a thin and edgy sound like Darkthrone has!!). enjoy the symphony! \m/.

Witchery - Symphony For The Devil (2001)
Genre: Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal
1. The Storm
2. Unholy Wars
3. Inquisition
4. Omens
5. Bone Mill
6. None Buried Deeper...
7. Wicked
8. Called For By Death
9. Hearse Of The Pharaohs
10. Shallow Grave
11. Enshrined (Bonus)
12. The One Within (Bonus)


Friday, February 23, 2007

手嶌葵 - 春の歌集

Teshima Aoi(手嶌葵) is a strange girl! when you listen to her, she definitely gives the impression to be very shy! nevertheless if you like beautiful voices you'll certainly count her among your favourite artists! i discovered her with her first album in which there's not so much music ... except for her voice (a bit like "religious" music), this one is more "musical" but the main melody is still her voice. to me her music is strongly influence by what i call "traditional japanese thingy"!^^ i have no word to describe it so better get it and listen! Hope you enjoy!

手嶌葵 - 春の歌集
01 岸を離れる日
02 風の唄
03 徒然曜日
04 月のかけら
05 卒業式
06 花びら
07 心の調べ
08 願いごと

Ethereal Call!

Paris Match - After Six

Far away from the battlefield, in a quiet and peaceful place lives Paris Match, a "Jazz" band from Japan (so perhaps you already heard about them), however their music is not like what one calls standard jazz at all!lol it's perhaps closer to R&B, Groove music style (i don't like R&B!!lol). Anyway they play very sweet and tuneful melodies. To me it's a bit like Herbie Hancock's music, but in a less complex way of course, and i like to listen to that stuff a lot when i'm driving, so i just stay down behind the wheel!!lol Well, we've passed Valentine's Day ...but this could come in handy if you missed it!lol

Paris Match - After Six
Genre:Jazz, Groove
2 東京ベイ
5 VOICE(alternante ver.)
6 恋の兆し(full length)
7 十六夜
11 暗礁
12 黒翡翠のララバイ

My Safety Belt!

Canvas Solaris - Penumbra Diffuse 2006

Canvas Solaris is an awesome progressive band, their music is all instrumental and both powerfull and melodical. Actually the precision with which they have constructed that masterpiece is quite impressive (cause as you'll see it's also frigging experimental)! if Phantomsmasher has exhausted and confounded you, lol, you can rely on canvas Solaris to make you feel as good as new for before they were good grindcore/death warriors! =) I have no idea how many people are involved in that band (only three i think! ah ah!) but you can hear many different instruments like percussion (tablas i guess), sax, mandolin..etc...there's a cool Indian colour/dimension to the music which i like a lot as well! a MUST HAVE IMO!

Canvas Solaris - Penumbra Diffuse 2006
Genre:Progressive, Instrumental, Jazz
1 Panoramic Long-range Vertigo
2 Horizontal Radiant
3 Accidents in Mutual Silence
4 Viahayasa
5 To Fracture
6 Psychotropic Resonance
7 Luminescence

Futuristic Spaceship!

Phantomsmasher - Atomsmasher

well with valentine's day, i was tempted to play some pop to please you my beloved lady warriors!lol!! ah ah kidding! =) ... but forget about flowers, cause i decided to bring you in Anno Domini 2099 instead! ready? fasten your seat belt! UB's behind the wheel, it's gonna bounce!lol
indeed at this future time lives a man called James Plotkin who is certainly John Zorn's reincarnated if nothing else!lol this is a pretty experimental and highly flammable stuff we have here, like Atari teenage riot meeting Aphex twin at a grindcore meeting!...this is nothing we know about, but i guess this is certainly called free-something!lol well obviously that kind of "music" (i'm not sure that's what it's called) is not for everyone that's for sure and as i don't want to scrape anyone off the wall with a spoon!lol ... let's say there are at least two prerequisite before you step into that one...first you must bear musical violence like digital grindcore stuff, cause there's hardly any pause, second (that one is in case an outsider come in here!lol) you must be fearless and very open minded! whatsoever, you know my motto, What Doesn't Kill You Only Makes You Stronger! \m/

Phantomsmasher - Atomsmasher
Genre: LOL!!
01 Caught In Your Orbit
02 Zanzibar
03 Thunderspit
04 Phantom Smasher
05 Gilgamesh
06 Skitchy
07 Very Much Want Head Return
08 Placebo
09 Skull Shot
10 Someone Is Trying To Kill Me
11 Pokemon Gangbang

Electronic Terrorizer!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster - Horse of the Dog [2002]

That stroll Beyond the Sunset, in the elvish wood really makes me feel like i'm rejuvenated! suddenly i fell restless, like i have a beehives in my head!lol i just feel like rockin' indeed! ah ah! or perhaps it's that matchbox that this silent ooooold bearded dude with pointy ears gave me! he told me to share it in every way and manner i could think of!!! so here's mine, click "B" at the bottom of the page and experience the restlessness...i have no word to describe it...except that it rockssss!! wow what a feeling!!lol \m/

The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster - Horse of the Dog [2002]
Genre: Rock POWAA!!!
1 Celebrate Your Mother
2 Chicken
3 Whack Of Shit
4 Psychosis Safari
5 Giant Bones
6 Fishfingers
7 Charge The Guns
8 Morning Has Broken
9 Team Meat
10 Presidential Wave

"B" (click me to enter the beehive!)

Zaraza - No Paradise To Lose 2003 [Out of Phase Signal From a Parallel Universe]

Well our mission here is coming to an end but another starts somewhere else! we are now leaving for a different universe where new decisive battles await our coming! Gather all troops cause this new universe is one of the darkest we'll ever set foot in ... eons ago, madness made it sink into a completely dehumazised, technological, and over-mechanized society. The two satanic and highly intelligent beings controlling the place from Poland are bleakly cunning and won't be easy to defeat! "Fear profits man nothing" we use to say, indeed that is the key to conquering that cold, obscure and emotionless benighted world! anyone ready to step into the real dark is welcomed!

Zaraza - No Paradise To Lose 2003
Genre:Doom, Industrial,Death Metal
1 Possessed by Skepticism
2 Nova Akropola (Laibach Cover)
3 Mark of the Infidel
4 Infliction
5 Planetary Re-Install
6 Znikad Donikad
7 Przeklinaj Smierc
8 Heart.ov.the.goat

Disturbing Velocity of Dark Waves

Trepalium - Alchemik Clockwork Of Disorder 2006 [Phase 6, The Final Strike ]

Our last assault got pretty messy, not to say it completely fucked up (as i was told by a friend of mine), and many managed to escape what was supposed to be an unstoppable force of destruction! damn it! i guess technology is good for weaklings who just dabble in war and will never achieve the higher efficiency of a fine troops of beserkers! So i resorted to sent an emergency radio call to France again and guess what...newly created beserker Trepalium was sent over, a groovy murderer mastering the age-old art of warfare! ah ah, who's laughing now??! from Funk, to Jazz or even Progressive he can do it all, no wonder since he underwent a thorough and intense training, in the same way other famous warriors such as Gojira and Meshuggah were formed! let me tell you that none has ever met that fearsome and awe-inspiring killing machine twice! so i guess WAR IS JUST OVER!!lol though it's always been the same answer, i'll soon make a report for Trepalium's last question whatsoever!lol \m/

Trepalium - Alchemik Clockwork Of Disorder 2006
Genre:Death Metal, Groove
01 Decease My Life
02 Modus Operandi
03 Decayed Emotions
04 Alchemik Clockwork Of Disorder
05 Vesania
06 One Breath Of Peace
07 Perversion Of Reality
08 Ritual
09 Psycho Theme
10 Pulsion
11 Sick Boogie Murder
12: Who's Fucked Up?

40 minutes Annihilation!

Kerplunk - Brotherhood 2003 [Phase 5, One Day Before the Ultimate Assault]

At last the long awaited panzers division called Kerplunk arrived from France! Troops have been dismissed and took the newly discovered weapon with them. Now what's left of the enemy must really shit his pants!lol These new tanks are made out of intricate HxC material to which Ministry Technology Inc. has added a special premium industrial layer! the outcome is utterly indestructible war machines!lol These tanks are from another dimension and the enemy won't last long against this unstoppable mechanical cataclysm, he'll soon melt with the molecules of the initial chaos that spawned him! Straight ahead, none shall survive!! \m/

Kerplunk - Brotherhood 2003
1 Disease#1
2 Vice
3 Distressing vision
4 Lobotomie sporting club
5 Flashback
6 Battle cry
7 Bothers
8 A new stp
9 Hardcore faith
10 Brotherhood
11 The flex

Abdicate and submit!

Monkey Insane (潑猴) - It's Our Time 2004 [Base Exploration, New Tactical Perspective]

Awaiting the imminent arrival of dozens of panzers, scouts were dispatched around to assess the potential influence of this newly conquered command post! In an underground lab two agents discovered notes about 潑猴, a research project which is certainly well known to you as they come from Tapei! After a close examination our scientific team discovered they were attempting at mixing HxC with electronic and hip hop ...luckily we arrived before the experiment was used against us!...but now that new weapon of high precision is on our side! i can't wait to witness its punchy and fantastic effect on the remaining enemy troops!lol

Monkey Insane (潑猴) - It's Our Time 2004
Genre:Crossover, Metal, Rap, Electronic
01 Sound Check
02 Come On
03 My Time
04 Mendacious
05 Self Disguise
06 Blowup
07 Down
08 My Style
09 Suck School
10 And I know
11 Monkeys Party
12 Hidden Track

Nasty reversal!

Scorngrain - 0,05% (2006) [Network Infiltration, Accessing the core database]

Special Agent Scorgrain from Finland you read me?? [...'we read you special agent S'..] The command post is under complete control,[shh]... accessing the enemy network,[shh]...uploading a new database with groovy and raw structures in order to implement project "cyber screaming", waiting for panzer to arrive and secure the position... meanwhile let's explain the few who survived the previous assault all about technological warfare, the weak point that is gonna lead them to their own demise! ah ah!

Scorngrain - 0,05% (2006)
Genre:Death Metal, Industrial
Scorngrain: 0,05%
01 The code
02 Toadstool journey
03 Mural
04 Off with their hands
05 Übermensch
06 Draw the line
07 Shot down
08 Mama stabber
09 Teaspoonful

Binary Meta-Invasion!

Lye by Mistake - Arrangements For Fulminating Vective [Troops deployement phase 3, capturing the command post]

[shhh, crrr, ['noise', 'rumble']] "Well all is still and quiet commander, it's now time for a sneaky assault! Berserker Lye by Mistake ready to go sir. Permission to use experimental fighting method commander?"...[shhh] "the enemy will be confuse and severely incapacitated... all his senses will melt and he'll lose all control, feeling like he's hearing several suff at once" ['cracking']...neuro gases set and ready...countdown engaged, 30 seconds to go before the zone is under control...[shhh, crrr]...mission accomplished with stealth, getting out of the place unnoticed, command post is ours" [shhh, crrr]

Lye by Mistake - Arrangements For Fulminating Vective
Genre:Experimental, Metal

1 Silence The Girl
2 If We Were Intense This Song Would Be A Boy Scout
3 Aboriginal Negatives
4 Ostrich Feathers And Apple Pie
5 900 Seconds In Search Of Jerry
6 Jon Nash And The Flipper
7 Dream As I May, I Feel And It's So Wrong...
8 Nero's Intention

Commandos Strike Force

Rudra - The Aryan Crusade (2001) [Troops Deployment, Phase Two]

Let's launch our first raid from an unexpected continent where a troop of furious warriors is gathered and awaiting permission to attack! ah ah! Squadron Rudra is from Singapore and they play a simple but highly efficient death metal. The songwriting is really good as the vox and the musicianship! with such precision and speed of execution, they certainly shoot dead any target within their reach!... unfortunately, there are apparently 2 tracks missing... but who cares!? not me at least!lol and i guess 10 perfect hit will do plenty enough damages to any daring enemy!lol

Rudra - The Aryan Crusade (2001)
Genre: Death Metal
1 Aryaputra
2 Hymns To Thee
3 Anantarupa
4 Malevolent Creed
5 Rudrapatni
6 I
7 Homage To The Seers
8 Manifesto Of The Demented
9 Sad But True
10 Atmavichara

turrets loaded and armed, ready to fire!

Inactive Messiah - Be My Drug (2006) [Opening Warfare Strategy, Phase 1]

Inactive Messiah is a Greek messenger who brings good tiding to all and any idle warior... as announced by 大A兄 war is definitely coming!! actually they couldn't have chosen a more appropriate moniker,.. if you were inactive, they'll bring you some action!lol their style has been deeply influenced by other famous greek band IMO (like septic flesh, nightfall...etc) so it's not the most original band ever but what they do they do it well! it's very heavy and symphonic and any warrior should get something out of it as it's quite diversified! a good soundtrack for any coming war IMHO =D ... besides these guys are not devoid of humour cause has you'll see the album includes a M.Jackson cover (beat it!) and as you certainly know it's "Eddie Van Halen" who wrote the lead for that track! so hope you enjoy that one!

Inactive Messiah - Be My Drug (2006)
Genre:Thrash, Death Metal, Symphonic
1 Inactive Messiah (Intro)
2 Sing
3 All Your Dreams
4 Be My Drug
5 Synthetic Snow
6 Beat It
7 Pain
8 Hear Me Tonight
9 Before The End
10 Lord Of Lies

Addicted to war!

Hacride - Amoeba (2007)

Well, Hacride is a band from France, and more precisely from Poitier, it's a city in the north (where the Futuroscope is, if you've never heard about it, it's a massive park dedicated to image technology with really HUGE screens and video attractions..well enough geography for now!!) Hacride plays some death metal but it's not really death even if you like power metal stuff, try it, you might like it ..or we might have to scrape you off the wall!lol...actually they are quite experimental, a bit like Meshuggah i would say and very original, there is even a flamenco-core track in the album! Believe me these dude fuck## rule! and after bands like scarve or gojira (which i played already) i guess we can that french metal is really rising! cool, we had a pretty bad (and well deserved) reputation at it!lol hope you enjoy, you, bunch of lunatic berzerkers! \m/

Hacride - Amoeba (2007)
Genre:Death Metal, Progressive, Not to miss!!
1 Perturbed
2 Fate
3 Vision of Hate
4 Zambra
5 Liquid
6 Cycle
7 Deprived of Soul
8 Strength
9 Ultima Necat
10 On the Threshold of Death

une putain de baffe dans ma sale gueule!!lol
(french for: a goddamn smack in my ugly mug!) ;) \m/

Wisdom In Chains - Die Young [2005]

老K兄's last play, this great band called The Italian Stallion, inspired me for that one! The description will be pretty straightforward and simple actually...this is pure HxC punk, that is raw energy which will make you feel like you want to grab things and throw them in the air or anywhere i the only one to experience that feeling?!lol anyway prepare for some serial riffers on guitars, drum and bass and a hoarse and raunchy voice shouting inside your head!!

Wisdom In Chains - Die Young [2005]
Genre: Punk, Hardcore
1 We're Not Helping
2 Liar
3 Nowhere
4 One Of These Days
5 Fade
6 Dragging Me Down
7 The Game Of War
8 Pass The Cup
9 Friday Night Drama
10 Die Young
11 Fighting In The Streets
12 Too Far Gone
13 Get To Steppin
14 Out Of Season
15 Time To Play
16 Smash Your Face
17 Nothing Like You

No Fuckin' Gimmick!

Diablo Swing Orchestra - The Butcher's Ballroom 2006

Proud sailor stand still and prepare to enter a realm never explored before...a sharp intrument may come in handy so don't forget it!lol run all sails up, full power ahead, brace yourself cause you'll have to face so many style at once that only the mighty ones will come out with their four limbs still on! ah ah! actually here's a foretaste of the upcoming battle...about Symphonic and Progressive Metal, you already know but Flamenco, Jazz, Gothic Metal, Swinging stuff, and Orchestral genres will also try to lead you astray! an uncontrollable whirlpool will suck you to the very bottom of that blistering ocean where you'll be wrapped in dark and grandiose ambiances, you can get out but you'll have to be willing to...and don't wander too far or you'll be lost forever in the abysmal pit of hellish melodies!

Diablo Swing Orchestra - The Butcher's Ballroom 2006
Genre:Opera, Progressive Metal, Experimental
Act 1 :
1 Balrog Boogie (03:53)
2 Heroines (05:23)
3 Poetic Pitbull Revolutions (04:52)
4 Rag Doll Physics (03:53)
5 D'Angelo (01:54)
6 Velvet Embracer (04:05)
Act 2:
7 Gunpowder Chant (01:51)
8 Infralove (04:54)
9 Wedding March For A Bullet (03:14)
10 Qualms Of Conscience (01:16)
11 Zodiac Virtues (04:48)
12 Porcelain Judas (04:09)
13 Pink Noise Waltz (06:07)

Heretic Masterpiece!

The Faceless - Akeldama 2006

This American band is not easily categorized...unless you just call it brutal! They formed in 2005 and plays some kind of mixture combining melodic death, violent grindcore, with strange time signature, like in progressive, and furious's as powerful as Nile but their style is pretty much different and much more experimental...there's not many band to compare them with so i guess the best thing to do is still to listen to that masterpiece of violence and technique! for true warriors only! \m/

The Faceless - Akeldama 2006
Grenre: Death Metal, Grindcore, Experimental
1 An Autopsy
2 Pestilence
3 All Dark Graves Faceless
4 Horizons of Chaos, Pt. 1: Oracle of the Onslaught
5 Horizons of Chaos, Pt. 2:
6 Leica Faceless
7 Akeldama (Instrumental)
8 The Ghost of a Stranger
Kill me tender!

Moray Eel - Psycho Delusion (2005)

This band comes from Russia and has one's a female fronted thrash metal band! actually it's the first one i've ever heard in my life so i thought it might be of interest to you as well!lol music wise, nothing downright original... i'm not too much into that new wave of thrash metal ...though it's far from bad and quite enjoyable, it's just like S.O.A.D, Machine Head..that kind of stuff! but what's really interesting here is the chick singing and screaming/growling...a bit in the style of Otep...actually she give a very agressive aspect to the music! the only thing i regret is that despite the fact they play thrash there is nothing i would call a lead...and that's a shame! (that's why old school will always rules!!lol) but well can't have everything i guess! enjoy!

Moray Eel - Psycho Delusion (2005)
Genre: Thrash Metal, Experimental
01 Intro
02 So Good To Die
03 The Cross and the Raven
04 Wet Dreams
05 Secret Desire (Fucking Christ)
06 Material
07 Broken
08 Boo
09 Oncoming War
10 Desert King
11 Hate me
12 Pervert
13 Accuser
14 Forbidden Waters

Scream your boobs out!!

Narziß - Ebenbilder 2000

This is a band from Germany who sing in German...but no they aren't like Ramstein!lol Actually they plays HxC in the vein of Pro-pain and the likes =) Ebenbilder was their very first release and as you'll hear it's pure energy! i am definitely partial to old school styles and it's true that bands playing that style also often plays cliche stuff, but not Narziß who has very good ideas to give that old style a new life! a good HxC album to brutalize your neighbourhood!! Ah Ah!!

Narziß - Ebenbilder 2000
Genre:Hardcore, Old School
1 Präludium
2 Tot
3 Siehst du nicht
4 Gestern noch, doch heute schon
5 Wenn du weinst
6 Erbsünde
7 Gestärkt
8 Erkenntnis
9 Outro

Brutish behaviour!

The Auburn System - The Auburn System (2005)

This is a band from Massachusset which i found by chance and actually i find this Ep quite good (certainly not the most original work i've ever heard but very well excecuted and well worth a shot IMHO!). It's also the first thing this band released i guess so they have a brilliant future waiting ahead, for they certainly are a bunch of proficient musicians. Their style mix Grind/hardcore vox with death/grind riffs, and indeed i really liked their borderline style, very groovy, darn powerful and rather complex (could be more diversified given their skill though but that's certainly on the agenda of their next release!!)...if you remember Gojira, we're not so far in terms of thickness!lol we'll surely hear from them in a short while =)

The Auburn System - The Auburn System (2005)
Genre:Technical Grindcore, Brutal Death Metal, Extreme Hardcore
1 New Old One
2 James Berardinelli is the Smartest Man on the Internet
3 Penny Brown
4 Better Than God
5 Old Man on the Mountain

Percussive 碾核!

Urn (Fin) - 666 Megatons (2001)

It's been a long time since black metal has not surprised me, but Urn did! actually looking at the cover they just seem like any other BM, pentacleshits... blablabla!lol but let me tell you that these dudes got the spirit of R'n'R flowing in their veins! their style is nothing of the usual black metal, neither is their sound. actually they are just walking a fine line between black and death metal, but are not a mixture of the two style....true beserkers unleashed!

Urn (Fin) - 666 Megatons (2001)
Genre: Black Metal
1 Sulphuric
2 Burn in Hell
3 666 Megatons
4 Baptized by Pain
5 Everlasting Fire
6 Boundless Anger and Revenge
7 Spirit of Chaos
8 Earthly Damnation

Spiritual Desecration!