Monday, November 06, 2006

Té - ならば、意味から解放された響きは『音』の世界の深淵を語る。

Té is a great postrock band from Japan made up of two electric guitars, a bass, and drums. They play a mixture of rock and progressive often played in minor mode or scales. The musicianship is very good and their music is all but boring, so i advise anyone to listen to them, it is really a shame that they aren't more famous worlwide!

Té - ならば、意味から解放された響きは『音』の世界の深淵を語る。
Genre: Post Rock
1 己が分を知りて及ばざる時は速やかに止むるを『智』と言うべし。
2 思想とは我々の選ぶものを見せず、我々の好むものを『見』せる。
3 不安なのは事柄にでは無く、それに関する人の『考』えにである。
4 欲は全ての言葉を話し、全ての役を演じ、無欲者すら『演』ずる。
5 退屈な原作の滑稽さを直視させる模倣だけが真の『模倣』である。
6 暗黒中での想像力は明るい光よりも逞しく働くのを『常』とする。
7 沈黙中の表情にこそ、言葉選びに勝る本当の雄弁が『存在』する。
8 怒りは愚かな者を殺し、妬みは馬鹿者の生命を『瞬間』ごと苛む。
9 我々は希望に従って約束をし、恐怖にかられて約束を『果』たす。
10 人が空想で描く世界よりも、人が生きる現実は『遥』かに物深い。

Let my ears bleed!

1 comment:

uncivilizedbloke said...

it's been quite difficult to find that one but Te truely amazed me! as u said they are quite different and that's what i like straight away in that band after my first listening, before even getting to know what was that difference indeed!lol...though their structure are similar with that of other band they have their way to achieve it and they are definitely skilled musicians with a vision! hope they'll be as popular as Mono over day... =D