Saturday, November 04, 2006

冷酷仙境 - 陌生仙子国

This is a female fronted band which play a very tuneful pop/rock. Given my poor reading of chinese i have very few information about that band. Notwithstanding i called it progressive because it is inspired and imbued with many chinese musical elements which entails that the musical complexcity is at a level we often find in jazz. Don't expect to hear any distorted guitar parts or double bass on that album, it is more like ambiant rock then, or some free jazz/fusion bands! But it's worth listening to whatsoever!

冷酷仙境 - 陌生仙子国 (Kingdom of Benevolent Strangers)
Genre: Progressive Rock
1  凌晨三点 [3A.M]
2  飞翔主题 [Soaring]
3  沉睡秋天 [Autumn Sleep]
4  玻璃刀 [The Glass Cutter]
5  死在报纸上的孩子 [Dead Children in the Newspaper]
6  嘟嘟对你说 [DuDu! You Say]
7  手心里绝望的花 [Holding the Flower of Dispair]
8  巴黎猫 [The Cat from Paris]
9  小仙子 [Little Fairy Girl]
10 暮色 [Colour of Sunset]

Let my ears bleed!


uncivilizedbloke said...

if you have tons of stuff like that it would be cool to bring them over here! cause it's really a pain in the a** to find those bands! this one is really great, it's just so strange, to me it sounds like nothing i ever heard (but i concede you i don't know that much!!)lol! and the time signature are really scary whatever they are ...well perhaps chinese music uses those signatures on a more regular basis but if it's not the case, these musicians comes from another planet! i might have wandered too far on my nutshell! ;)
btw are the translation alright? (cause it's not me who did them!)

uncivilizedbloke said...

actually it's funny cause this band comes from shangai, so perhaps during your next trip you'll find stuff about them! they are apparently not numerous to do like this band who is doing something to bring its music to the world! they have a page on myspace and a page where people can get their stuff in USD so that pretty cool! =) more band should follow the trend! perhaps it's on it's on its way!

uncivilizedbloke said...

well i discussed with a chinese guy i know at university and he told me the same thing about time signature! apparently it's more common for you than for me!lol i'm used to R'n'R 4/4! so it sounded cool and weird at the same time...more or less like jazzy stuff! a short while i'll be so used to that, i'll no longer pay attention to it i guess!lol thanks for the info about 天后王菲 i'm gonna check the chick out! whatever that means!lol! =)