Monday, January 28, 2008

Razors edge - Sweet 10 thrashers (2006)

Let's raise our fist to that band from Japan! Razor Edge plays the best punk style to my ears, they have catchy and gripping rhythm and despites the fact that this is a music style which has not much novelty to bring us, they have done it all the same! ...and as you press the play button, you just feel the surge of adreanalin rushing up your spine and taking control of your neck and head! quicker (and cheaper!) than any kind of drug you might find on this planet! if there is one kind of harcore thrash punk to save one day, let it be that one! the album is very short so no time to waste...come on!!! bring your booze, your "brooze!" and let's punk!!!! hail! \m/

Razors edge - Sweet 10 thrashers (2006)
Genre: Punk, Hardcore, "Thrash"
01 Razors Wind
02 Ugly Kid
03 Punkadelic
04 Dressed Foods
05 Kick Start!
06 Greedy For Me
07 We Dont's Care
08 The Sun Disappeared
09 Loose Loops
10 Toxic Toys


Smashing thrash-o-delic punky vibes!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Kermheat - Humanchico 2005

There it's done! France has spawned another weirdo! lol there was ron thal aka bumblefoot now we have kermheat...the frog! ah ah ^^ i'm making fun of him but actually this guy is quite a killer! as technical as ron thal and as experimental as buckethead or Matthias Ia Eklundh! the album is really funny with lots of weird sounds and "fuckin' this... fuckin' that" sound clip vox... this guy is not gonna bore you ...even for a split second! summing up his style or giving a label to his music is quite impossible really...the only fact that we still can cling to in this world of his own is that there is but one rule ...there's no rule, so fend for yourself!! ah ah! and just to mention it, missing that one would be a shame!^^
ps: check out his myspace cause it's pretty cool! lots of funny pics!

Kermheat - Humanchico 2005
Genre: Instrumental, Virtuoso
01 Humanchico
02 Don't Crash Your Car!
03 High Nose
04 First Contact
05 Mindfu*ker
06 Black Stairs
07 Rigel's Sleep
08 B.P.M.
09 Kermheatron
10 Farhbot
11 Between Rails
12 W.C
13 Sorry... For The End

When a lunatic tweaks the knobs!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Yakuza - Samsara 2006

I don't think i ever played this band in here, what a shame! as it is definitely a fav band of mine =D they are quite unique in their kind and i love how they blend the different influences they put into their's psychedelic, extremely heavy and absolutely brilliant! there is hardly any word i can use to describe what they do but Yakusa are utterly the masters of their trade! proficient musicians with a mighty spirit and an unquenchable thirst for the exploration of uncharted territories one of my friend often says "you don't like that one? then why don't you just fuck off and die bonehead fucker!...umh..uhm.. no offense intended of course!" ah ah! i wouldn't go that far though ^^ lol so enjoy!

Yakuza - Samsara 2006
Genre:Metal, Jazz, Progressive
01 Cancer Of Industry
02 Plecostomus
03 Monkeytail
04 Transmission Ends...Signal Lost
05 Dishonor
06 20 Bucks
07 Exterminator
08 Just Say Know
09 Glory Hole
10 Back To The Mountain


Heavy Lord - From Cosmos To Chaos

what about a nice trip to Europe, and more particularly to Holland... but don't be afraid we're not setting off to see mills and tulips... Heavy Lord is not really into that, ... not at all indeed! ah ah ... i guess they would be more interested in ancient behemoth vestiges and sabbathian riffing! actually the vox kindda remind me of Phil Anselmo, especially that peculiar husky growling, and the music itself is more akin to Cathedral like bands, that is 70's inspired rock riffs with a massive and heavy sound! a pretty good combination IMO! the album is quite short for that genre as it only last 40 minutes or so and i definitely like that, no endless boring song here, the song writting is just excellent and dynamic, ... a one-off band IMHO, so hope you enjoy! =)

Heavy Lord - From Cosmos To Chaos
Genre: Doom, Stoner
01 Elephaunt
02 Scorpion Sting
03 The Ego Has Landed
04 One In A Billion
05 While Empires Burn

When trudging is a way!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

春秋 - 春秋

This band is certainly better known to you than it is to me so i hope you can tell me a bit more about them who they are, where they are from ...and so on and so forth! =D music wise i think their style is brilliant, like good old kickin' rock'n'roll or awesome heavy metal ... but what i think is truely cool and catchy about them is that they managed to make something original (to my ears at least!) with rather common material and that is quite a feat!... they use nothing spectacular but they come up with kindda fresh and well thought out ideas... like for instance an arpeggios added here and there, piano, accordion, pipa-like sort of sounds ... and i guess that makes quite a difference in the end, actually they created ambiances that i seldom, if ever, find in non-chinese bands! like an extreme version of 冷酷仙境! ah ah! just listen to 传奇 for example and you'll hear what i mean! ... The singer has also a great voice, i really like the way he sings and though i only get bits and pieces of what he says, i clearly feel the energy oozing from his vox! i don't know if that "spring and autumn" (Chun Qiu) moniker has a special significance or a hidden meaning to it but they kick ass all the same! rock on!

春秋 - 春秋
Genre: (heavy) Rock
01 新的一天
02 凶宅
03 远方的召唤
04 天下
05 传奇
06 暴风雨所诞生的
07 猎人
08 最后的一页
09 山海间

Mainland out-and-out mighty fighters!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Monstrum - VIII Dzieñ Tygodnia (2007)

Before i leave for good i still have some time to play a few more stuff after i guess it will be more difficult and perhaps too much time demanding ... anyway ... Monstrum ... did you know they existed??! ah ah! ... well at least after you listened to their music they should remain in your mind for some time! the band is not downright original ... well, they play heavy metal... but they are really great whatsoever ... i could go as far as ascribing some Maiden-like spirit and enthusiasm to them ... really! they have a knack for that genre, they sing in their own language (Polish i think) which is great but i also reckon that it will likewise be their greatest impediment to achiving a worldwide fame =) the music is rather technical and can sometimes be a bit in the line of prog stuff ... minus the keyboard! this is not my fav style nevertheless i found that band really catchy and i guess you are very likely to find it to your taste as well ... so have a go! ... and enjoy! ;)

Monstrum - VIII Dzieñ Tygodnia (2007)
Genre: Heavy Metal
01 Monstrum
02 Slowa
03 Krzyż
04 Otchlań Zycia
05 List
06 21:37
07 Przemijanie
08 VIII Dzieñ Tygodnia
09 Po Drugiej Stronie Lustra
10 Lukrecja (Instrumentalny)

Proficiency exhibition!

Earthtone9 - Arc Tan Gent [2000]

A bro advised not too much pop at once for some obscure health reasons ^^, so in case you have strayed off a bit too much on the wrong side because of the previous play, try this medication! =) It is likewise a band i love cause they have flawless songs IMHO, and an awsome prod! they come from mother England and despites i labelled them metal it is not that brutal ...though the music can turn out quite ballsy at times!lol i have never seen them on stage but from what i heard they are just brilliant in that context as well ... no wonder i'd say, given the albums they have released! the music is a bit in the line of Tool to give you a clue about what these blokes sound like..or perhaps even A perfect circle to a certain extent! well hope you have fun with it! \m/

Earthtone9 - Arc Tan Gent [2000]
Genre: Metal
01 Tat Twan Asi
02 Evil Crawling I
03 P.R.D. Chaos
04 Approx. Purified
05 Walking Day
06 Star Damage For Beginners
07 Ni9e: This Is The Sound
08 Yellow Fever
09 Alpha Hi
10 Binary 101

When heavy meets percussive!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Advantage Lucy - Echo Park 2005

Here is a band i like very much, the music of which hovers between My little Airport and YUI, just as does the voice of the chick singing! the melodies are pretty cool and easy going, and the atmospheres are really dreamy though far less experiemental than those of My Little Airport. Indeed the music is pretty much anchored in rock overall and not so much in electronic! i must mention that there is one song i don't like much called "is this love" which i think is rather repetitive and boring, though it is not that bad even so!lol but there are plenty of other tracks to make up for it so don't waste your time with it! my fav is certainly track 6, 潮騒, which has a somewhat bjork-like quality to it, perhaps i shun a bit "is this love" cause it is the one track following my fav indeed ...and it is definitely no match for it! ah ah! ....well a great album to me, hope you like it!

Advantage Lucy - Echo Park 2005
Genre: Indie Pop, Soft Rock
01 グライダー
02 spur line
03 Anderson
04 朱い夏
05 遠い日
06 潮騒
07 is this love? (yuk! skip it! ah ah)
08 splash
09 planetaria
10 everything
11 time after time

Like leaves in the wind!

Lumen - Правда 2007

Here is a band from Russia...sorry... i can't be more specific!^^ they play cool rock music hovering between what i'd call "heavy" poppy-tailored melodies to much heavier ones ... a bit like stuffs in the genre of muse (or something alike! ah ah!), a band that is mixing soft and more energetic ambiances ... overall the music and the way it's composed is kindda like some energetic punk rock! the vox are in russian and i just love the sound they gave to the guitars ... sharp and full of warm mids!lol well the thing i would have done on that album is perhaps to shorten some bits here and there, but not that much whatsoever ... cool band definitely ... and the last song is a quiet one!lol enjoy! \m/

Lumen - Правда 2007
Genre: Pop, Punk, Rock, Heavy Rock, Metal
01 6 миллиардов
02 Буря
03 Далеко
04 Иди в отмах
05 Ложь
06 Тень
07 Хватит!
08 Хамелеон
09 Пока ты спал
10 Пора орать
11 Иначе!
12 Гореть

Hey!! what is this!!???

Jorn Lande & Russel Allen - The Battle 2005

After A bro made the 666th post on the 1st of junuary 2008 ...weird it was done by the Antigöd indeed...i sure some dark scientists would glady study the phenomenon!^^... i now play "the neighbour of the beast" album, number 667th (which also happens to be the title of a DM album incidentally!...and as all these wars cause me to have a very bad memory i hope you don't know about it already! however i am sure you all know about these guys better than i do!lol so to cut a long story short i must say that this album impressed me at all levels ... despites i am not a fan of that genre ... but vocals, guitars, bass, drums, pianos...everything fits in perfectly and it all has been very well produced ... not a single weak track in my view! well ... that's what we call a killer album from beginning to end!! the battle in 2008 is gonna unfold just fine my broz! enjoy \m/

Jorn Lande & Russel Allen - The Battle 2005
Genre: Hard Rock, Progressive Metal
01 Another Battle
02 Hunters Night
03 Wish For A Miracle
04 Reach A Little Longer
05 Come Alive
06 Truth Of Our Time
07 My Own Way
08 Ask You Anyway
09 Silent Rage
10 Where Have The Angels Gone
11 Universe Of Light
12 The Forgotten Ones

Riding forgotten winds!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Glorior Belli - Manifesting The Raging Beast

Now, after the main course, we usually have a log ... an icy one!lol .... in that case, a band coming from my home country ... and i must say that i am very pleased with how the BM scene is developping at the moment ... the spirit has not been left by the side of the road ... and the atmosphere is grimmer and more polished than ever! =D when i listen to them, the most famous band that comes to my mind is definitely Satyricon during their early period. Nevertheless i think they have found their own left hand path to the black kingdom cause though we have the same combination of icy atmospheres a la Burzum, raspy cavernous vox (in the style of Satyricon as a matter of fact), rather pounding and varied drum patterns ... and a huge solo in slayer's style on the last track!...i guess we can confidently say they have done it their own way ... and i just love that!lol

Glorior Belli - Manifesting The Raging Beast
Genre: Black Metal
01 From Darkness There Springs Light
02 Deadly Sparks
03 Sinister Resonance
04 Severed From The Self
05 Manifesting The Raging Beast
06 Said Lucifer In Twilight
07 Serpentine Admonition
08 Altered Verses

Welcome, The Bringer of Light chose your table!

Brain Drill - The Parasites - (2006)

Oh! look who's at the door! Mr Drill...and along with his wafting stench, he brought some brain and a putrified calf for the new year! how nice of him! ^^ ah ah! how to better start a new year than with a deluge of brutality, speed and aggression!? ...i see you're at loss for words as well ... actually don't exert yourself, there is no better way ... but beware, this album is extremely short ...under 20 minutes!...however when one plays that kind of music, then even a small span of time such as those 20 minutes easily tantamounts to .... more than 10 hours of ass shaking over some poppy!lol pretty technical ... very impressive actually, brutal, and yet groovy .... that's today's menu! Bon Appetit! \m/

Brain Drill - The Parasites - (2006)
Genre: Brutal DM, Grindcore
01 Consumed By The Dead
02 The Parasites
03 Swine Slaughter
04 Forcefed Human Shit
05 The Depths Of Darkness
06 Revelation

Anyone fancy a second helping of freshly baked gore?!